2011Training Course of Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System for Overseas Practitioners (Regulations)
The Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System is a system stipulated and implemented by the Chinese Wushu Association to overall evaluate the levels of Wushu practitioners. To further popularize and promote Wushu worldwide, and increase theoretical and technical level, the Chinese Wushu Association holds “Training Course and Examination of Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System for Overseas Practitioners” from time to time. Ⅰ. Levels of Duan Wei: (Ⅰ) Pre-Duan Level: 1st Level, 2nd Level, 3rd Level (Ⅱ) Elementary Duan Wei: 1st Duan, 2nd Duan, 3rd Duan (Ⅲ) Intermediate Duan Wei: 4th Duan, 5th Duan, 6th Duan (Ⅳ) Advanced Duan Wei: 7th Duan, 8th Duan, 9th Duan Ⅱ. Requirements for Applicants: Those overseas Chinese and foreign practitioners who love Chinese Wushu and have practiced Wushu for over two years can apply for the training courses and examinations. Ⅲ. Content of Training (Ⅰ) Contents selected from Tutorial Series of the Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System (including 4 theoretical courses and 23 technical courses). (Ⅱ) Items selected by the applicant. Ⅳ. Method of Examination (Ⅰ) Content of Evaluation: 1. Wushu Ethics: evaluate the practitioners’ performance of Wushu protocol and their behaviors during the training course. 2. Wushu achievements: evaluate the experiences and achievements of the applicants; and for those practitioners who apply for high Duans, it’s also required to evaluate their contributions for promoting Wushu. (Ⅱ) Content of Examination: Based on the standards specified in Tutorial Series of the Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System, theoretical and technical examinations are arranged. Ⅴ. Requirements for Applying Duan Wei According to the stipulations of the Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System, overseas applicants shall meet the following requirements: (Ⅰ) Pre-Duan Level: Those who have received education of Wushu ethics, learned basic contents of Wushu ethics and commanded Wushu protocol, and age six or above can apply for the Prior Duan examinations from level 1 to 3. (Ⅱ) Elementary Duan Wei : Those who observe Wushu virtues and have systematically practiced Wushu for more than three years and age eleven or above can apply for the examination of 1st Duan; then apply for 2nd Duan after one year upon receiving the title of 1st Duan; and apply for 3rd Duan after one year upon receiving the title of 2nd Duan. (Ⅲ) Intermediate Duan Wei : The masters of one kind of bare-handed routine who observe Wushu virtues; or those who have engaged in overseas Wushu teaching for at least 5 years and used to be teachers and coaches with above junior title or athletes with 1st Grade Warrior title in China; or those who have participated in the training courses organized by the Chinese Wushu Association and passed the examinations of 3rd, 4th and 5th Duan for at least 2 years, can respectively apply for the examinations of higher Duan Wei (4th to 6th Duan). (Ⅳ) Advanced Duan Wei: The masters of three kinds of bare-handed routine who observe Wushu virtues; or teachers and coaches with senior title in China and athletes with senior Grade Warrior title who have engaged in overseas Wushu teaching for 10 years or more, or famous former athletes (have won individual champion in Chinese National Wushu Competitions); or those who have participated in the training courses organized by the Chinese Wushu Association and passed the examinations of 6th, 7th and 8th Duan for at least 6 years and age above 45; or those who have passed the 7th Duan examination for seven years and age above 50 or have passed the 8th Duan examination for eight years and age above 60; and those who have made certain achievements in theoretical research of Wushu and made great contributions to the development of Chinese Wushu, can respectively apply for the examinations of higher Duan Wei (7th to 9th Duan). Ⅵ. Examination Result and Certificate (Ⅰ) Those who pass examination and evaluation, and the results meet qualification requirements will be awarded with relevant Wushu Duan Wei titles by the Chinese Wushu Association. (Ⅱ) Those whose results fail to meet qualification requirements will be awarded with relevant training certificates by the Chinese Wushu Association. Ⅶ. Fees Charged for the Training Course (Ⅰ) Application Fee: US$ 60.00 per person, paid upon arrival. (Ⅱ) Training fees: US$ 50.00 per person/per day, paid upon arrival. (Ⅲ) Accommodation: covered by practitioners themselves; or arranged by the training provider (different training venues may have different accommodation prices) (Ⅳ) Charges for conferment of ranking: Those who obtain the Duan Wei title after passing relevant examinations and evaluations shall be charged for the evaluation fees (including expenses for evaluation, certification and badges, etc.). The charging standards are as follows: Duan Qualification Level 1-3: US$ 30/level; 1st Duan: US$ 60; 2nd Duan: US$ 90; 3rd Duan: US$ 130; 4th Duan: US$ 160; 5th Duan: US$ 200; 6th Duan: US$ 230; 7th Duan: US$ 280; 8th Duan: US$ 330; 9th Duan: US$ 380. Ⅷ. Procedures of Application Please fill in the application forms which can be downloaded from the official website of the Chinese Wushu Duan System (dw.wushu.com.cn), including the Application Form of Training Course of Chinese Wushu Duan System for Overseas Practitioners, and the Application Form of Overseas Practitioners for Chinese Wushu Duan System; and mail the forms to the following address of the Duan System Office of the Chinese Wushu Association: duanweiban@126.com Address: No.3 Anding Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China The Duan Wei System Office of the Chinese Wushu Association Postal Code: 100029 Contact: Kang Gewu, Zhang Luping Tel.: 010-64912172, 64912437 Fax: 010-64912437 Official Website of the Chinese Wushu Association: www.wushu.com.cn; Official Website of the Chinese Wushu Duan System: dw.wushu.com.cn E-mail: duanweiban@126.com Note: Please visit the “Duan Wei System Office” column of www.wushu.com.cn or visit dw.wushu.com.cn to view The Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System (2011 Edition), The Measures for Administration of the Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System and the Measures for Technical Examinations of the Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System (1st to 6th Duan); and download the Application Form of Training Course of Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System for Overseas Practitioners, and the Application Form of Overseas Practitioners for Chinese Wushu Duan Wei System. The Chinese Wushu Association June 30th, 2011 |